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Unhappy people are not good students or scientists. Resources linked below include but are not limited to mental health, BIPOC and LGBTQ+ specific community groups, and internal and external funding opportunities. 


Science should be accessible, some resources linked below aim to demystify the graduate school application and job search process for prospective graduate students / trainees and include information on writing scientific proposals and technical resources for learning R and other coding languages frequently used in the biological sciences.

Accessible Science

The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.

Guide for making accessible figures with colorblind friendly palettes in R.

About coming out and other LGBTQ+ relevant content.

University of Edinburgh Coding Club resource including a free DATA SCIENCE FOR ECOLOGISTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS course!

Break down of an NIH proposal and how to engage a reviewer in your writing!

Textbook with great problem sets and examples to learn regular expressions, bash/linux, R, and other commonly used languages for biological applications.

Yearly list of jobs and trainee positions in ecology and evolution. 

Black Women in Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Science


BWEEMS is devoted towards pushing the bounds of science, fostering community, and elevating the Black Women who continue to drive innovation in ecology, evolution, and marine science despite being historically overlooked and isolated in the field.

Weekly episodes on mentoring, research, outreach, and other science related stuff.

UMN specific financial resources for graduate students.

Follow along with lessons to learn R, python, linux or other common lanugaes!

A good way to keep track of your professional, academic, or personal goals with a focus on attainable and deliverable outcomes.


Works well to engage with a mentor about where you are and where you want to go!

Article from Jed Carlson on the spread of misinformation and influence of science on society.



Find jobs, graduate positions, conferences, and courses primarily for evolutionary biologists.

Out in STEM for LGBTQ+ people in science, tech, engineering, and math. They give scholarships, hold conferences, and have local chapters at many universities.

Get the inside scoop on all things graduate school for biosciences.

Start learning to code in linux!

Articles and resources about intersectional issues related to science and advocacy.

Compiled by MIT Communication lab.

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